(704)-844-8344 Appointment

Brazilian Butt Lift in Charlotte, NC

Butt Augmentation Options

One of the fastest-growing procedures in plastic surgery today is buttocks augmentation and brazilian butt lift.

Thanks largely to the popularity of celebrities like Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, Iggy Azalea and Nicki Minaj, bigger, rounder and more prominent buttocks have become a more desirable anatomical feature for many women around the world.

At Premier Plastic Surgery Center located in Charlotte Brazilian butt lift is offered to help transform your body. If you are interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift call our office today at (704)-844-8344!

Charlotte plastic surgeon Dr. Ferrari, can help you achieve buttocks augmentation in a variety of ways, depending on your specific goals.

About the Brazilian Butt Lift

The famous Brazilian butt lift uses your body's natural fatty tissue to augment the buttocks. Through a series of fat transferring lipo-injections, a larger, shapelier buttocks with a greater projection can be achieved without implants and without the larger incisions needed to place the implants. By transferring unwanted fat from the abdomen, waist, hips or thighs, Dr. Ferrari can also improve the look of those areas as well as the buttocks. Women can achieve a more favorable waist-hip ratio without changing their weight or increasing their body mass.

Charlotte Brazilian Butt Lift model

Fat Grafting to the Buttocks

We Combine Body Contouring and Liposculpture

Finally, Dr. Ferrari can perform body contouring using a combination of surgery and liposculpture.

While performing a brazilian butt lift Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Ferrari can also correct minor defects or deformity of the buttocks. In addition to enhancing the anatomic curvature to establish more feminine buttocks and hips that project more to the rear and the side than masculine hips.

Charlotte Brazilian butt lift surgeon, Dr. Ferrari has the training, know-how, and experience to perform the most advanced fat grafting procedures. He uses autologous fat grafting techniques which he himself perfected. He does this with no incisions in the buttocks. The tiny incisions needed at the fat donor site are concealed.

Your First Choice For Exquisite, Natural-Looking Results

1635 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105

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