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Breast Implant Revision in Charlotte, NC

Breast Implant Revision

At Premier Plastic Surgery Center, Charlotte breast implant revision specialist and top doctor, Dr. Ferrari helps patients as they navigate the sometimes difficult decision to keep, change, or remove breast implants.

Unhappy with Breast Implant Size

Among the reasons women choose to get breast implant revision surgery is when they become unhappy with their implant size.

Charlotte breast surgeon Dr. Ferrari spends time with each patient during the consultation process to ensure the ideal implant size is selected. The goal is to choose implants that fit your body and personal preferences.

However, some women later realize they wish they had gone bigger. This is one of the top reasons for breast implant replacement. Patients may feel this way a few months or years after surgery.

If you just had breast implant surgery recently, it is a good idea to let the new breasts settle into their final position before making any judgment calls about the size. Sometimes, it helps to have a little time to adjust to the new breast size in order to get used to them. For women that still feel unhappy in regard to implant size, breast implant revision may be the right for you. Women that have had breast implants for years may choose to go bigger or smaller as aesthetic trends or lifestyle changes factor into the decision.

Fortunately, it is a relatively simple procedure to switch breast implants for a different size. Since the breast cavity has already been created during the initial implant placement, swapping implants for a different size during breast implant revision has less pain and shorter recovery time than the first surgery. At Premier Plastic Surgery Center, we offer expert breast implant revision in Charlotte to help women achieve their desired breast size and shape.

Implant Rupture

Breast implant rupture is rare, but it can happen due to accident or injury in some cases.

Patients that suspect a ruptured implant are invited to schedule a consultation with our expert in breast implant revision Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Ferrari. It is usually obvious when saline implants rupture as the sterile saline water leaks out quickly, leaving the affected breast considerably smaller. Silicone implants, on the other hand, leak slowly. This is known as a silent breast implant rupture. Dr. Ferrari may order medical testing/diagnostic imaging to confirm silicone breast implant rupture.

Many women choose to address a ruptured implant by getting a breast implant revision, by removing implants and replacing them with new ones. It is standard procedure to replace both breast implants at the same time, even if only one breast implant burst. Fortunately, most breast implant manufacturing companies have lifetime warranties on their products so if one side ruptures, patients are given a free pair! That way, the implants will age at the same time, so when the patient eventually needs implant replacement for aging implants, that can be done simultaneously. Additionally, if a breast implant broke due to accident or injury, patients can rest assured knowing both implants are in good condition.

Breast Implant Bottomed Out or Shifted

Women may choose to get breast implants removed and replaced if the implants are bottoming out.

This may cause a double fold (or “double bubble”) beneath the breast crease. In other cases, the breast implants may shift too far to the side. This can be exaggerated when the patient lays down flat on their back. Occasionally, breast implants can shift out of place in the pocket.

This may indicate that the breast pocket is too big for the implant. Sometimes, stitches can help to shift the breast implant to the correct position. At other times, breast implant revision may be necessary.

Breast Implant Sagging

For patients that have had breast implants for many years, sagging may occur. This is normal in both natural and augmented breasts.

Gravity takes a toll over time, stretching the skin. The skin loses elasticity with age as elastin production slows.

Both natural breast tissue and breast implants can be heavy. It is up to the patient to determine when breast implants need to be replaced due to sagging implants. The problem is merely cosmetic. However, it can impact a woman’s self-esteem.

Some patients may choose to get a breast lift with breast implant revision, while others may prefer to go au naturel and remove the implants entirely. If implant replacement is desired, some women choose to go bigger, which can help correct mild breast drooping to a degree. For most patients, however, a breast lift is needed for a notable lifting effect.

Schedule a Consultation for Breast Implant Revision in Charlotte

Matthews breast implant revision provider, Dr. Ferrari has helped many women as they choose to get breast implant revision for various reasons. His patients take comfort in the fact that he is an experienced Charlotte breast implant revision surgeon with the skills and tools to improve the existing breast implants, keeping patient safety and aesthetic goals top of mind. To find out more information about breast implant removal and exchange, book your personalized consultation with Dr. Ferrari at Premier Plastic Surgery Center today at (704)-844-8344.

Your First Choice For Exquisite, Natural-Looking Results

1635 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105

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