Enlarged male breasts cause some men to feel embarrassed taking off their shirts or wearing form-fitting tops. While there are many underlying causes of gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, the bottom line is it can affect how a man dresses and what kinds of activities he feels comfortable partaking in. If changing in the gym locker room, going shirtless at the beach, or getting intimate with a partner peak your anxiety due to concerns about your chest size, there is a solution. Through gynecomastia surgery in Charlotte, men young and old have gained the confidence that comes with a flatter, masculine chest.
Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure otherwise known as male breast reduction. As the founder of Premier Plastic Surgery Center, board-certified Charlotte plastic surgeon Victor S. Ferrari, MD, FACS, has the clinical expertise to sculpt an attractive chest with a more traditionally manly appearance.
During adolescence, some breast tissue growth is natural in the development process. However, sudden hormone shifts can sometimes trigger excessive breast tissue growth in boys and men, giving the breasts a conical or feminine appearance. This is known as gynecomastia, a common condition that may occur at any age.
Gynecomastia affects many adult men and adolescents. The underlying problem is usually related to a hormonal imbalance. Several factors can exacerbate abnormal breast tissue development, such as:
Gynecomastia has several identifying characteristics that set it apart from simply being overweight. If you have any of the following, it may indicate you have the condition:
Many males living with gynecomastia do not feel comfortable being seen without a shirt. They may turn down invites to the beach or swimming pool, causing them to miss out on social opportunities. Gynecomastia surgery can change all that and restore your confidence. It is a relatively quick outpatient procedure with minimal downtime, so you should be able to get back to life as usual soon afterward.
Many Charlotte Gynecomastia surgery patients experience the following benefits:
Firstly, you must understand that gynecomastia surgery does not treat the underlying hormonal issues at play. Rather, it is a way to cosmetically enhance the male chest. If you have tried losing weight or alternative therapies to no avail, you may be a prime candidate for male breast reduction in Charlotte. To be eligible for the surgery, you must be in good health, both physically and mentally, and not smoke. Some men, including athletes and bodybuilders, may have a prior history of anabolic steroid use. Gynecomastia surgery can correct the excessive breast growth caused by performance-enhancing drugs. However, these patients must commit to quitting for good to maintain their surgical results.
Charlotte Gynecomastia Surgery provider, Dr. Ferrari understands that many men may feel self-conscious about their chests. With this in mind, he offers private, confidential consultations at his office in Matthews, just minutes from downtown Charlotte. During your appointment, he will listen to your specific concerns and goals. He will also review your medical history and may ask questions pertaining to any medications you are currently taking.
Assuming you are a candidate, Charlotte plastic surgeon Dr. Ferrari will provide you with a bespoke surgical plan and pre-operative instructions. To prepare, you may need to alter your medications, avoid herbal supplements, and arrange a ride to and from the surgical center. Smokers must quit several weeks in advance and remain smoke-free for several weeks afterward.
You will receive general anesthesia. The gynecomastia operation usually takes one to two hours. Dr. Ferrari utilizes the latest VASER (ultrasonic) technology to reduce chest fat and breast tissue with tiny, imperceptible scars.
Following Gynecomastia Surgery Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Ferrari will wrap your chest using a compression garment to diminish swelling. Depending on the extent of your tissue removal, you may have tubes placed to assist with draining excess fluid. As an outpatient procedure, someone will likely need to drive you home.
Most Charlotte gynecomastia patients take less than a week off of work. It is crucial to allow your body time to fully heal with about four weeks of no upper body exercise. While your chest may look flatter initially, it can take several months to fully appreciate your results. It may take three to six months for the swelling to dissipate completely. Enjoy your new level of confidence with a sleeker and firmer chest. You will wonder why you waited so long to have gynecomastia surgery once you see your outcome. No further surgery will be necessary so long as you follow all aftercare instructions, such as maintaining a stable weight and avoiding anabolic steroids or other drugs that affect hormone levels.
Matthews gynecomastia surgery specialist, Dr. Victor S. Ferrari is a board-certified surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is passionate about helping patients from all walks of life achieve a body they can feel proud of. Drawing on his expertise in human anatomy, he artfully reshapes the male chest using least-invasive techniques designed to minimize scarring. Dr. Ferrari also makes himself available to his patients 24/7 should they have any questions or concerns. It is for these reasons he has earned multiple five-star reviews and awards, including Top 10 Best Plastic Surgeons.
It’s time you feel like you again. You can place your trust in Dr. Ferrari as he has spent ample time perfecting his gynecomastia surgery techniques. Schedule your gynecomastia consultation with Dr. Ferrari today by calling (704)-844-8344.
While pre-pubescent boys may notice new breast growth, these changes are often temporary. Ideally, you should wait until after puberty to consider elective surgery. It is vital for male breast tissue to finish developing; otherwise, revision surgery may take place later in life.
Male breast reduction is not a particularly well-known procedure. Therefore, most of your friends and acquaintances will simply think you have lost weight or spent extra time at the gym.
As a cosmetic procedure, most health insurance plans do not cover male breast reduction. Dr. Ferrari does offer affordable payment plans. For more information, please visit the financing page.
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