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Hyperhidrosis Treatment in Charlotte, NC

Treatment for Your Hyperhidrosis

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What Is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is profuse underarm sweating. Unlike normal sweating, hyperhidrosis doesn’t happen as a result of strenuous physical activity or warmer weather—it happens for no apparent reason. This condition causes extreme perspiration on both sides of your body, to the point it soaks through your clothing and disturbs your work, social life, and ability to live normally. At Premier Plastic Surgery Center because we strive to deliver the best hyperhidrosis treatment Charlotte has to offer.

Hyperhidrosis treatment Charlotte

What are the Benefits of Hyperhidrosis Treatment?

When antiperspirant deodorant doesn’t do the job, Botox or Dysport could be a great alternative.

At Premier Plastic Surgery Center in Charlotte hyperhidrosis treatment can be treated by Botox or Dysport injections to stop your underarm sweat glands from producing an excessive amount of sweat. It works by temporarily stopping the production and secretion of the chemical that activates the body’s sweat response, effectively blocking underarm sweating altogether.

Results are typically very quick, and injection recipients usually begin to see results within 4 days of injection. Once dryness takes effect, it can last up to 14 months. Botox or Dysport effectively eliminates excessive underarm sweating for the large majority of patients.

Botox or Dysport Injections for Hyperhidrosis

Don't let excessive sweating continue to disrupt your work, social life, and daily routine. If you are currently suffering from hyperhidrosis, contact us at Premier Plastic Surgery Center right away. Our plastic surgery office in the Charlotte area has treated many people like you and know how to administer Botox or Dypsort injections safely and effectively.

We have more than 20 years of experience producing dramatic, positive results for our Charlotte hyperhidrosis treatment patients, and we know how to help you get the results you want. Our founder, Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Victor Ferrari, has also been named as one of North Carolina’s 2018 Best Plastic Surgeons for his high level of patient satisfaction.

We offer appointments from Monday through Friday, and our friendly, knowledgeable team members are prepared to assist you.

You don't have to continue to live with the embarrassment and discomfort of hyperhidrosis. Call (704)-844-8344 to speak to one of our highly trained staff members or contact us online to book your appointment today!

Your First Choice For Exquisite, Natural-Looking Results

1635 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105

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